
This a record request form for Jefferson County, Missouri

Jefferson County 9-1-1 Dispatch complies with the Missouri Sunshine Law, Chapter 610, RSMo. Audio records are retained for 1 year, and CAD records for 3 years.

Identifying information about juvenile suspects or juvenile victims of crimes will be redacted from any records provided in response to a Sunshine request.

911 calls involving a complaint or report of a crime are closed records and cannot be released via a Sunshine request. For 911 calls related to non-criminal complaints (such as medical calls), the call may be released to a person who was directly involved in an incident, or whose property was involved in an incident. If the 911 call is related to a complaint or report of a crime, or the requestor is not directly involved in an incident or the property owner of property involved in an incident, the recording will be released only pursuant to a valid subpoena or court order.

Records Form

Website Records Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY

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